
Pic: Martin Phox

I am an England-based journalist with ten years of experience in the media. My focus is on print and online newspapers. I had training in narrative as well as mobile storytelling.

I am the England-correspondent for the Austrian daily newspaper Kurier. I cover political and royal affairs as well as social phenomena and cultural events. My articles can be found here. For the Kurier’s magazine supplement Freizeit, I cover Travel and Zeitgeist pieces. These articles can be found here. I have also written for the daily newspaper Der Standard or the Moment-Magazin.

Additionally, I am contributing to regional English magazines like Hampshire Life, Dorset Life or In Common.

For the Austrian magazine Land & Leut, I am currently writing a column about inspiring Austrian female pioneers like Mitzi Langer, who was the first ever woman to take part in a ski race, or Yella Hertzka, who built the first garden school for women in the Austrian empire.

From February 2013 until January 2021, I worked in the Panorama section of the Austrian daily newspaper Kurier. I pitched for, researched and wrote article about one of the most beautiful cities in the world: Vienna.

Being a journalist is a privilege. When I stood outside a Vienna retirement home on a cold February afternoon in 2013 – my first assignment as a journalist for the Kurier –, filled with stories of old people’s lives, their thoughts, their dreams, their experiences, I felt an intangible excitement. I knew I was honoured with information I had only received so that I could tell others about it. I felt a responsibility to make a difference in other people’s life, because I could tell them truths, they would not come across otherwise. And I realised I would be able to write stories that could, hopefully, inspire the readers, broaden their horizon, move them and help them see the world differently. I have been trying to achieve this ever since.

Work Samples in German

Work Samples in English

For Hampshire Life

Divine Dining A feature on churches that turned into restaurants.

For the online platform In Common:

Heroine for horses A portrait about equestrian centre owner and pioneer Carol Boulton

“Sometimes you have to jump” The beginning of a personal experience series

For the Austrian daily newspaper Kurier:

Unter einem Dach mit Sherlock oder Frankenstein – Feature on Literary Houses for Sale

Winzerin in Südengland: Ihr Wein macht Champagner Konkurrenz – Feature on English Sparkling Wine

“So wurden wir erzogen” Report on occasion of the Queen’s funeral

Größte Sicherheitsaktion in der Geschichte der Londoner Polizei – Report on the security aspect of the Queens funeral

“Hoch lebe König Charles” – Report from Oxford on occasion of the proclamation of King Charles

“Wir haben gedacht, es würde nie passieren” – Report from Windsor Castle the day after the Queens death

Meterlange Festtafeln zu Ehren der Königin – Report on various parties happening during the Jubilee Week

“Sie stellt die Monarchie über alles” – Interviewing Royalists about their thoughts on the Queen

Das langersehnte Erscheinen – Reportage from 2022’s Trooping of the Colour on occasion of the Queen’s Jubilee

Man muss sie einfach lieben – Feature on England’s Atmosphere a week before the Queen’s Jubilee

The Real Countess of Downton Abbey.” – Reportage from Highclere Castle on occasion of Downton Abbey 2

“Es war Zeit, den Hass loszulasssen” – Interview with Holocaust-Survivor and Anne Frank’s stepsister Eva Schloss

Story with Austrian football fans in London on occasion of the European Championship

Ein Dorf geht unter – Reportage from Fairbourne, the village that will disappear in 2054

“Das ist unser Zeichen, dass wir an ihn denken” – Reportage from Windsor on occasion of Prince Philip’s Funeral

For Kurier’s weekly supplement Freizeit

Kitsch und Küsse auf den Klippen – Travel Piece on Off-Season Cornwall

An der Hand der Königin – Feature about Cornelia James, Royal Glovemaker, based in Sussex

Ode an den Herbst – Travel Piece about Hampshire in Autumn

For the Austrian daily Der Standard

“The Crown”: Lady Dianas Begräbnis mit Feingefühl – Sneak peak into the filming of the 6th season of “The Crown”

For the online Moment Magazin:

“It’s a a culture war”. Interview with Owen J Hurcum, Europe’s first non-binary mayor on challenges and achievements

Report on a 10-year-old girl successfully fights against plastic waste and could even convince a big supermarket chain to change what they sell in their store

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